Generally speaking...

Alisama's Reoccurence
Peace be unto us all.

Wow, I haven't updated since February. That's mad. But here's why: I had a virus on my last computer, so when I switched from Windows XP to ME, I had to reformat my hard drive and all this other stuff., la, la, la, I'm downloading things, ya know, doing my internet thing, and my computer just goes blank. I couldn't restart Windows, it was just pure hell. And I'm a total computer weirdo, so I cried for about a day or two when I realized that it must have been a virus that completely immobilized the comp. Turns out I was quite right.

I decided to suck it up last month and get a Dell--and, I didn't have that annoying white guy yelling at me either! Lol. The dumb part was, I decided to finance this damn thing instead of saving up the dough to just straight-up buy it. Now I've got another bill on my hands. But honestly, I don't mind that too much, I'm just so happy to have a good computer. I know plenty of people who don't have much at all, so I won't complain about kicking out money for a luxury that I can obviously afford.

Well, since I last updated, I've gotten a new job (goodbye Barnes & Noble!) at a bank, so I'm making some decent money for saving. I've also let my hair grow, and I'm wearing it straight instead of kinky (or curly if the humidity's high enough). Yeah, my Justin Guarini days are over. But I don't feel like a hypocrite, not even when my sister called me a sellout. But really, do you think that I could pull my boho antics in a bank? Don't think so. I also lost some more weight. I'm around 160, which looks okay on my large frame. And I'm pleased with myself; when I first started this diary I was yo-yo'ing between 180 and 200 pounds, which wasn't too hot (read: stretch marks). Presently, I'm doing quite all right just focusing on being my best self (read: too many Oprah shows). I'm sure I'll have plenty of anecdotes for my daughter(s) (if I have any, Inshallah) on their personal journey to the land of self-awareness.

Well, yesterday was my brother's 37th (OMG, he's getting up there) birthday, and he still won't do anything with his life. I'm just sitting up here waiting for this dude to be the bomb, man. It's like he has a recipe for potential, but doesn't know how to bake it...does that make sense? He's so handsome, and very kind. And smart as hell--he can do the damn thing as far as electronics are concerned. He actually wanted to become an electrician, but left school. What's wrong with that picture? I'm like that too, never wanting to finish what I start. Oh man, I can dream and plan and blueprint like a mofo, but carrying it out? It's a real exercise.

Ugh, I feel like I've been away for ages! I'm not even a Gold member anymore, I've got so much catching up to do.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is coming out in about 45 days! That is so exciting! My goodness, between knowing that and getting a paycheck...I don't know what's more exciting. Isn't that sad?

I should go. I mean, I've got so much more to ramble on about, but I haven't got the juice at the mom--

Oh! I saw the new Star Wars movie twice already. I really, really enjoyed it. It totally brought out the teenage male in me. The special effects, the digitalness of it rocked. And it was more dramatic, which I liked. I just didn't see enough of Natalie Portman, though, and when you did see her, she wasn't all feisty. That sucked a little. I think I have a wee crush on Hayden Christensen. Well, he looked kinda hot in the movie, but when I see him in regular photo-ops, I'm like, "Oh. What a letdown." So maybe he's hot with a tan, I don't know. For those who saw the film, what the hell was that General Grievous thing? He gave me the heebie-jeebies, and that's saying something.

You know what I've been thinking about a lot lately? Getting married. Hmm...

Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going. I'll be back tomorrow though, to hit you off with some wit.

21 in three (3) weeks!

Heh, I'm turning 21 in 2005. 2+0+0+5=7...21 divided by 3 is 7...hmm. Allah is in da house! Or, this could be a very lucky year for me, depending on how you interpret these things.

Four loves minus three.

back, back ~~~ forth and forth
June 1, 2005 @ 12:35 a.m.
The current mood of alisama at
who the hell?
If you must know...I'm Alia, and I'm two cycles of nine plus THREE. I like ALL types of ill shit (just kidding) and books.
past thoughts

Whoever has the warmest smile wins!-March 24, 2006

Prayer Works!-February 21, 2006

Life gloss-January 31, 2006

Worn down Ny-Lon-January 29, 2006

The Here and Now-January 21, 2006